I have a string data =" this is a test"
the following line
dim tmp(-1) as text
tmp=split(data," ")
results in there is more than one item with this name and its not clear to which this refers, I have changed the name many times, there are no names to which it conflicts? any ideas?
[quote=155604:@dave duke]I have a string data =" this is a test"
the following line
dim tmp(-1) as text
tmp=split(data," ")
results in there is more than one item with this name and its not clear to which this refers, I have changed the name many times, there are no names to which it conflicts? any ideas?[/quote]
You must understand that iOS is using the new framework, that has a different syntax for a lot of commands. I strongly recommend you keep the link I posted above to iOS documentation for reference.
One way to keep the older syntax is to wrap the new framework into methods that mimic the old one.
I have shared a wrapper that I started for my own use, and just added split() to it so the code you posted can run.
[quote=155604:@dave duke]I have a string data =" this is a test"
the following line
dim tmp(-1) as text
tmp=split(data," ")
results in there is more than one item with this name and its not clear to which this refers, I have changed the name many times, there are no names to which it conflicts? any ideas?[/quote]
DIM tmp(-1) As String
Please correct me, but as far as I know there is no such thing “as text”? But maybe it’s not the question…?