iOS Deployment issue

Hi there,

I have some issues with iOS deployment.
App is developed with these OS & tools

  • macOS 10.14.5 (Mojave)
  • Xojo 2019r1
  • XCode 10.2.1
  • Apple Configurator 2 (v 2.9)

On my main dev machine, iMac, I can do everything (compile, run in simulator, build, install on device using Xcode or Apple Configurator 2) and the run the app on my iPad (iOS 12.2).

I have a second dev machine, a MacBook, same versions for everything.
With this system I can do everything, including installing with Xcode or Apple Configurator, on the same device, but the app crashes immediately when running (see log below).

However, if I just move the iOS build from my iMac to the MB and install this build it’s fine.

So I presume something’s happening during the build…

Does someone have an idea of where the problem is coming from and/or how to solve this ?

Thanks !

May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[48] <Notice>: Push: <SBMainSwitcherWindow: 0x1013543b0>
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[48] <Notice>: Evaluate: making new window key: <SBMainSwitcherWindow: 0x1013543b0>, for reason: push
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[48] <Notice>: Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x281fcf690; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard[48] <Notice>: Icon touch canceled (tap gesture may still succeed): <private>
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[48] <Notice>: Bootstrapping com.gate61.dftank with intent foreground-interactive
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard[48] <Notice>: SBRootFolderView initiating programmatic scroll to page: 0 animated: NO
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory kernel(AppleMobileFileIntegrity)[0] <Notice>: AMFI: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/540FDC78-5185-4DD3-BCEC-A90AA0FF8C09/' does not pass CT evaluation, result: 0x80008
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory kernel(AppleMobileFileIntegrity)[0] <Notice>: AMFI: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/540FDC78-5185-4DD3-BCEC-A90AA0FF8C09/': Unrecoverable CT signature issue, bailing out.
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory kernel(AppleMobileFileIntegrity)[0] <Notice>: AMFI: code signature validation failed.
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Notice>: Removed BKApplicationStateServerClient for [73:<private>] -> <private>
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Notice>: Submitting new job for "com.gate61.dftank" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x145e14380; SpringBoard;; pid: 48; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Notice>: Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.gate61.dftank[0x91e7][58]
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Notice>: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:com.gate61.dftank[0x91e7][58]': No such process (3)
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Error>: Failed to start job with error <NSError: 0x145e228f0; domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain; code: 3; reason: "No such process"> {
    description = "Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:com.gate61.dftank[0x91e7][58]";
    failureReason = "No such process";
    userInfo = {
        BKLaunchdJobLabel = UIKitApplication:com.gate61.dftank[0x91e7][58];
        BKLaunchdOperation = launch_get_running_pid_4SB;
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory assertiond[58] <Notice>: Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.gate61.dftank[0x91e7][58]
May 21 08:49:48 iPad-DiveFactory SpringBoard(AssertionServices)[48] <Error>: [com.gate61.dftank] Bootstrap failed with error: <NSError: 0x281f0fdb0; domain: BKSProcessErrorDomain; code: 1 (bootstrap-failed); reason: "Failed to start job">

Finally got it working, but the very hard way !

  • reinstall macOS
  • revoke all certificates
  • remove all certificates in Keychain
  • removed all provisioning profiles
  • reinstall Xcode
  • recreate all certificates
  • recreate provisioning profiles
  • config Xcode and run test project to fix all missing certif & authorities
  • reinstall Xojo

I still don’t know where was the problem, I lost more than a day … Who’s to blame ?