iOS Container Control disappears when project saved as XML

Major iOS bug warning: Container Controls disappear if you save your project as XML.

  1. Create an iOS project
  2. Add a Container Control with some buttons, labels and text areas
  3. On the main Screen add a Scrollable Area with the new Container as its display
  4. Run and the Container shows on the page
  5. Save the project as Binary, reload and run. All appears as normal.
  6. Save As the project as XML, close and reopen the XML version
  7. The Container Control is missing entirely

You must save as Binary if you have Container Controls.


Did d you try this with the version control (plain text) format?

Just tried it now and the Container Control was retained after a Save As and reopen when saved as a plain text Project.

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Hm. That’s interesting.

One more question (as I’m not at my desk yet)…

Did you notice if the container is in the xml file at all?

It seems not. The original container is called ‘ccForgotPassword’. I opened the XML file (after a Save As) and searched for this text, but none was found.

I just realised this is using the latest Xojo pre-release, so this forum post needs to be changed to testers only.

Thanks. Please put your last two comments on the case.


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