When researching this topic, I came across this article.
It shows several approaches how to create an alarm App for iOS, circumventing Apple’s background rules.
Has anyone created something similar in Xojo or is anyone willing to share a Xojo example?
Declares are not my strong suit and without them I’m pretty sure it’s impossible.
@Greg O’Lone : Fair statement, so let me rephrase: Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why you would want your app to be able to do something whilst the app is not in the foreground. All I am asking is a way that allows just that. I’m not out to cheat any user or make the device unstable, merely to add functionality which would be super simple on a Desktop, yet virtually impossible on an iOS device. There are plenty of Apps out there that do just this, but my bet is none where made with Xojo.
We need Apple Push Notifications support within Xojo. I think I read that someone on here got it working (not sure though) and it’d be great if Xojo could turn that into an example app.
@Hanif Saad : Although pieces of the puzzle are indeed on the forum, these are not exactly easy to follow or implement, so
having an example App created and supported by Xojo I’m sure would help a lot of people. Maybe a good topic for a webinar or a blog post?