Invisible Tab's in DesktopTabPanel

I have a DesktopTabPanel that initially does not display the tabs. The tabs become visible when I click in the control.
When I select the control it look like this:

When I click into the control it looks like this:

I’ve changed the size of the DesktopTabPanel, but the behaviour is still the same. Is it an error of me or of the editor?

It is Version 2021, Release 3.

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happens to with Xojo IDE. after starting Xojo, it did not display top icons like Run, Build …
after clicking the IDE it displayed the icons
Xojo 2020.r2

Those are toolbar buttons, not tab panels.

immer besser wissen

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Ja, es stimmt :wink:

aber Antwort hast du keine …

Use Apple tabsheets or my own:

Both are canvas based. Trixi’s TabPanels are available at Xojo + Alfred . The Apple tabsheets I got from the forum.

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thanks Beatrice, ich were es mir ansehen.
what I wanted to say is that Xojo’s IDE did not display run/biuld … icons after starting Xojo. send a screen dump next time it happens.