Greetings all,
I have a class (dbEntry) which contains a bunch of properties; for this conversation it will have three = properties
- name ( string)
- street (string)
- gender (string; M or F)
The class is instantiated in code and given values such as:-
dim ne as new dbEntry = “Jim”
ne.street = “Avon”
ne.gender = “M”
Now I want to discover the properties in ne automatically, so that if I add another new property to dbEntry some time later, my code will deal with the new property without me having to write out in the code editor a list of all the properties in the class.
So I do this:
dim n as string
dim neProperties() as Introspection.PropertyInfo = Introspection.getType(ne).getProperties
for i as integer = 0 to uBound(neProperties)
n = neProperties(i).name
//here lives a function to write the name of each property of ne to a spreadsheet
This produces a list of the names of the properties in the object ne. All good.
Now I want to obtain the values of the property in this specific instantiated class. And here is where I have trouble.
What magical syntax allows me to find the value of ne.street ? (i.e." Avon") – when the code don’t ahead of time know that ne has a property named street ?
Introspection gives me the name of the new property ne.street … How do I get ne.street’s value ?
Note - street does not appear to be an “attribute” of ne, as mentioned in the LR for Introspection. street is a property of ne. Attributes seem to something else, only available by jumping through some hoops in the IDE.
Tony Barry