Interest in North Dallas User Group?

Hello All,

I am thinking pretty seriously about starting a North Dallas Xojo User Group, but I am wondering if there is any interest.

If you ARE interested please let me know by posting to this thread or emailing me directly at
If you email me please put “XOJO User Group” in the subject line.


Craig Boyd

Very cool. Since I’m not that far away (relatively speaking), let me know if you get a meeting together. Would love to come and hang out and/or do a short presentation on something.

Thanks Bob! That is very kind of you.

So does that mean that your RV is not that far away? :slight_smile:

It’s all relative. Kansas City isn’t that far away from Dallas. And I need an excuse or two to take the RV out. :slight_smile:

Excellent. I will be sure to try to provide just such an excuse.

did you see the google group for North Carolina?

Tag Christian,

No I have not, but I will check it out.

I’d probably be game for a Xojo group. I am super busy right now, so I’m not sure how much input or help I could provide to the group atm, but I think it’s a good idea.

Hi Kevin,

I completely understand. For the first meeting I was thinking we could all meet someplace and put faces with names. Something very low key.

Beyond that, we will have to wait and see what the group is like and what sort of things we as a group want to do.

I have some filler ideas to get us started, but honestly whatever we decide as a group I will be fine with.

A distinct possibility. 2 hours east of you in Kilgore/Longview Keep me posted on how it develops.

Count me in.

I’m in. Actually live in Addison, TX…

Excellent! Thanks to everyone for the replies!

I will give this a couple more days before I try to start setting a date/time for our first get together.