InstanceSpawn: An Instance Spawn Engine for stand-alone server apps
A library to launch and maintain a group of command line argument-configured server instances
- Define command line arguments for each individual instance.
- Typically, assign each server instance a different listen port.
- Simultaneously launch the collection of instances as child processes.
- Set automatic restarts of instances that terminate (crash?)
- Get notified if an instance is down (run out of auto-restarts)
- Get notified if all instances terminated.
- Forcefully Terminate all instances.
A harness application to demonstrate use of InstanceSpawn
- A GUI application, built and tested on Windows 10 and Linux Debian 12.
- Source code is the simple tutorial to integrate InstanceSpawn to your solution.
- Tested with DummyWebApp
Ideas for solutions based on InstanceSpawn
- Service app that reads a configuration file and spawns server instances at system startup.
- Mechanism inside each server instance that monitors its own memory usage and auto-terminates instance when above a threshold, knowing that InstanceSpawn will launch a new instance.