I installed 2017r2.1 yesterday to test a few things out. I wasn’t happy with it (worse flashing than 2016r3), so I’ve decided to just go back to using 2016r3.
Today I’ve noticed more flashing than usual in Debug and when I Build the app - it wasn’t there a few days ago. It seems that installing 2017r2.1 has installed something else that’s now affecting 2016r3. Very disturbing.
This only happens in WIN7, built apps on WIN8.1 look fine.
So I’m wondering if uninstalling 2017r2.1 would be best approach, or should I use system restore. I did notice that system restore shows Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributeable was installed exactly the same time as the upgrade yesterday. So perhaps a dll is causing the problem?
Join the club Steve. The reason why I had to stay with 2016R3 for a running project.
Xojo has moved to Direct2D from version 2016R4.x , and even though this is the newest technique, end users immediately experience it as regression.
But since I have 2016R3 and 2017R2.1 installed on my Win10, I can just show the difference. Don’t think the installation of 2.1 should influence the behavior of 2016R3.
But it definitely has Joost ! - well for me it has. It is not my imagination.
The flashing/flickering is related to custom canvas ‘highlight’ buttons, mouse enter/exit events. I did always get an occasional flicker, but this is much much worse and now happens on every enter/exit. It didn’t occur like this (in 2016r3) until I installed r2.1.
Well considering it’s the only thing I changed, then one can’t help but feel that this issue was caused by installing r2.1.
Other than that, then sure, random things do happen - but it’s certainly a BIG coincidence.
Or are coincidences just coincidences? Are there big and small coincidences?, or are they just coincidences and don’t really need to be given a weighting?
Doh, thats not good Steve, I have no idea what could be causing that. Try going into add/remove programs and sort by install date (if you can in Win7, I’m not near my VMs so I can’t check) and see what is near the top, see if anything looks new that doesn’t need to be there.
Well today I get home from my work, boot up, and everything is fine again - all is back to normal!!!
I didn’t touch a thing - really weird. I can assure you that I did power off everything and switch off at the power outlet, as I normally do, which is exactly what I did after installing 2.1.
Anyway, I’m going to pretend this whole incident never happened, and this post doesn’t exist.