Inspector Behavior

I created a custom control based on SuperClass Canvas.

Opening the Inspector Behavior window to add or edit public Properties
So far so good.

I disable some standard Properties of a Canvas (e.g DoubleBuffer) and save the changes.
After closing and reloading the Project all my disabled standard Properties are back to enabled!

Is this a bug or just is it not possible to disable standard Properies in Xojo? (in RS 2012 this was possible and working)

Peter Stocker

I have seen the same thing.

My current workaround is to load the project in RS2012 and edit the subclass inspector behaviour there. Once saved it can now be opened in Xojo and your changes are there.

Same holds true for changed default values

@Hanspeter Stocker
Please file a bug report in feedback. A few issues have come up like this and we would like to get them all nailed down.

I think it is already there.

Feedback case 28614 - IDE does not respect default settings set via the Inspector Behaviour - Dialogue when subclassing a GUI-element

How do I get the feedback case text to point to the actual feedback?

Like this, but without the “*” characters:



Thank you.