I use Innosetup for creating Windows installers, and usually codesign the main app and the installer with external batch scripts using signTool. That works so far, but I always have to enter the dongle password at first run manually. And as I have an app using internal console helpers, I’d like to code sign them too because when I try to run them with elevated permissions, Windows will warn twice: 1) about the permission elevation and 2) for a console app by an unknown developer.
I thought I could make it easier with the internal codesign of InnoSetup, but I fail setting up Setup … It tells me it could not sign the content for a file that does not exists (Appname/uninst.e32.tmp) – I do not create an uninstaller.
Could also be I marked the password incorrectly. It uses a quotation mark and so I wonder how to escape such one correctly? Using two of them seems to work, but maybe it doesn’t.
Sigh – isn’t there one good source on Innosetup where screenshots look like the GUI and that gets a bit more into depth than just explaining the features without examples …?
There are two different tools. Inno Setup Compiler and Inno Script Studio. The later is a better IDE for developing your scripts in. Be sure you have the latest version of both. Set up your code signing tool in Inno Script Studio.
That’s part of the Script Wizard, not the Inno Setup Studio options. Please use the menu item from my screenshot above to configure your sign tool. Then, add a SignTool= line to the script. The wizard is really only good for a first-run setup. Scripts are much easier to maintain by hand after you get the initial template started.
Thanks, Tim. It wasn’t the Code Signing option in the setup options tab, but the password which I had to remove. Now (after setting it once on each session) it signs! Great!