inno setup not working

hi i want to use inno setup for making the package of my java project but i want to embed jre in my package as well thats why i convert jar file to exe file then i use inno setup to make package but when i start my application its stuck on first page no navigation perform.
can anyone help me that how to resolve this issue or how can i embed jre in my application using inno setup without converting it into exe thanx
waiting for your replies

The same (kind) of question is discussed in the InnoSetup Newsgroup. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what this has to do with Xojo, so I’ve moved it to Off-Topic for now.

Sascha S
kindly give me the link of that page where this question is already asked becuase i didnt find it. thanx for ur help

okay i did it without any help woa
and now my setup run smoothly

[quote=256302:@ali farooq]okay i did it without any help woa
and now my setup run smoothly[/quote]

Do you want to share your solution with us?