Incomplete SQL statement - SQLITE (CubeSQL)

A customer complained that he was trying to process something with my app, and every try, for some minutes the DB showed an error “Incomplete SQL statement”… and suddenly after a while the error went away and he could finish what he was doing…

Never happened that before, so I looked at the CubeSQL log and found it… but looking at my code, I could not reproduce the problem…

Here’s the CubeSQL log…

2017-11-18 15:05:01 SELECT NdeDocumento FROM PASAJEROS WHERE NdeDocumento LIKE ‘//%’;
2017-11-18 15:05:01 INSERT INTO PASAJEROS (Nombre, Apellido, NdeDocumento, nomape) VALUES (‘Carlos’, ‘Elosegui’’, ‘//2415’, ‘carloselosegui’);
2017-11-18 15:05:01 Incomplete SQL statement. ERROR

The code…

[code] app.HotelDB.sqlExecute “BEGIN TRANSACTION”

dim NdeDoc as string = SetPAXDummyDOC

app.HotelDB.SQLExecute (“INSERT INTO PASAJEROS (Nombre, Apellido, NdeDocumento, nomape, email, telefono ) VALUES (’”+nombre.text.Trim.Titlecase+"’, ‘"+apellido.text.Trim.Titlecase+"’, ‘"+NdeDoc+"’, ‘"+LimpiarString(nombre.text.Trim.Lowercase + apellido.text.Trim.Lowercase)+"’, ‘"+email.Text+"’, ‘"+TF_Telefono.Text+"’)")

if App.HotelDB.Error then
App.DisplayDatabaseError true
end if[/code]

Any ideas would be appreciated…

2017-11-18 15:05:01 INSERT INTO PASAJEROS (Nombre, Apellido, NdeDocumento, nomape) VALUES (‘Carlos’, ‘Elosegui’’, ‘//2415’, ‘carloselosegui’);

Double ‘’ in ‘Elosegui’’ cutting off your SQL statement.

Highly recommend you use SQLdeLite. Drop in the module and use a SQLdeLite.Record object to fill in the fields. Uses prepared statements behind the scenes so this does not happen.

Alternatively you need to escape out extra ‘’ characters.

geeez… I’ve overlooked it… thank you so much, Philip…

I usually use my EscapeSQLData method to insert strings into the DB but obviously this one ‘escaped’ me…


Happy to help.


Hey Dave, I understand the importance (I’ve read it many times) of prepared statements, but if it’s just a couple of employees in the local network of the company with very basic interaction with the SQL database… is it still considered unsafe ?

Yeah… I know… security is never enough… well… I’ll lift it up in the priorities list…

[quote=360340:@Roman Varas]Hey Dave, I understand the importance (I’ve read it many times) of prepared statements, but if it’s just a couple of employees in the local network of the company with very basic interaction with the SQL database… is it still considered unsafe ?

Yeah… I know… security is never enough… well… I’ll lift it up in the priorities list…[/quote]

Its a good habit to get into, and it makes all this with quotes etc so much easier to deal with.