When I returned to Xojo, after on long time spent with Python and Pandas, I started to miss Pandas. Although far from perfect, the pandas library provides a convenient support for in memory storage of tabular data. We can obviously achieve the same function with in-memory sqlite but then many errors are only caught at execution time.
So, I tried to create a minimal ‘pandas inspired’ (not a pandas clone) library with Xojo for a new personal project built with Xojo.
The data are stored in columns, so a table is an array of columns and a column is an array of values. The table object is responsible for maintaining a consistent number of elements across columns.
Since the community helped me in the past, I though I should share that lib with the community, so I tried to improve code readability, added minimum documentation and pushed the results to a public repo in GitHub.
In case you want to give it a try, you can find the library with examples and test cases in: GitHub - slo1958/sl-xj-lib-data: Data handling library.
Retired software engineer. Started to use Xojo when it was still called ‘CrossBasic’, mainly for personal projects. Later, used RealBasic for Windows for professional projects. I used Python during my last working years.