In-App payment processing?

I am trying to implement in-app payments so that users can buy credits to add things like PDF files to their account on my WebApp, and pay a small subscription or licensing fee. Not sure who does processing for digital services (stripe requires the sale of a physical good).

Any recommendations and/or implementation help?


Stripe does not require a physical product.
As a consumer I prefer Stripe or PayPal, but I read you dislike PayPal.

Really. Ok, how did you implement Stripe? I’m new to this world of payment processing. I currently use SquareUp liks via Text / Email and have my customers manually use Square :frowning:

you could send people over to fastspring, paddle or share-it store.
Than catch the HTTP request to report later the payment was good or bad and proceed.

I mentioned “as a consumer” because I mean I prefer these gateways when I’m buying things. I haven’t ever implemented Stripe. I have implemented PayPal, but never in a Xojo Web App.

I’ll be looking into Stripe but also into my own bank’s internal Merchant Services dept options. Someone else suggested using the WebSDK in another thread on another topic, I wonder if a plug-in or SDK could be developed to integrate support for Stripe or another processor?

I bet it could be done, but the interest seems to be very little and it wouldn’t cover the cost of development time for a reusable addon (the market for web addons is already super small).

I know that @Michel Bujardet was successful with PayPal integration, but I’m not sure how easy the process is in terms of setup / portability as a product.

I have implemented both PayPal and Stripe, but neither in Xojo Web. Stripe will be easier to implement, as it can be done almost entirely client side. I bet it could be done in an hour or two by somebody with experience.

What would you charge to implement this in a WebApp and provide the file for me to use plus instructions?

Atlanta is HUGE for WebApp market. Individual restaurants even have their own Android apps. It’s insane out here, which is why I’m getting into it.

In fact, I’ve been forced to download some app just to order at some coffee shop at GA Tech, they literally will not touch a POS system nor will they handle any cash. They will only make what you order over the app.

This place is way over-apped (Android and iPhone both), hence the desire for a WebApp.

I mean, even Mickey Ds out here has an app

[quote=360166:@Amy Barnes]What would you charge to implement this in a WebApp and provide the file for me to use plus instructions?

Atlanta is HUGE for WebApp market. Individual restaurants even have their own Android apps. It’s insane out here, which is why I’m getting into it.[/quote]
While I’ve done it directly, I’ve never touched WE’s custom controls. So I only have half the experience necessary. I think you’d be better off find somebody that does WE custom controls and asking them to read the Stripe docs. They make it very simple, as the sample code even has your API keys already built in. It’s nearly copy and paste.

Welp. I now know what I’ll be spending the rest of this weekend doing…

A Stripe implementation is available here: https://www./product/stripe-paymentsubscription-modules/