In 2016R2, HiDPI image sets don't require the original

For years I was accustomed to Xojo’s complain that pictures were missing.

Today I forgot to copy the picture files in an HiDPI aware project, and yet, the project ran without a peep. I just tested more thoroughly : it appears that Xojo somehow makes a copy of the pictures, so once an image set is created, it is content without the original picture files.

Nice, is it not ?

In non HiDPI mode, nothing has changed and Xojo moans when it cannot find the original files.

You mean in the built app ?

Running in the IDE under Windows.

well we dont take copies of the items so if the files go missing and its still working thats a very cool thing
but its not intended

and if you save, close the IDE & reopen it should complain about them missing

After leaving and reloading, the image set is empty, but Xojo does not complain about the missing picture.


The only thing it does do at the moment is highlight the missing images if you click on the image set

hmmm I cant find the bug report I filed about this right now but I know I did file one