The text file must be like this:
a) class definition (in this example the class is “clsSentinel”)
#tag Class
Protected Class clsSentinel
b) Protected Property definition:
#tag Property, Flags = &h1
Protected RS_Sentinel As RecordSet
#tag EndProperty
c) Public Property definition:
#tag Property, Flags = &h0
Snt_ID As Integer
#tag EndProperty
d) Private Property definition
#tag Property, Flags = &h21
Private mRecordFound As Boolean
#tag EndProperty
e) Computed Property definition:
#tag ComputedProperty, Flags = &h0
#tag Getter
Return mRecordFound
End Get
#tag EndGetter
RecordFound As Boolean
#tag EndComputedProperty
f) Private Method definition:
#tag Method, Flags = &h21
Private Sub ClearProperties()
// Inizializzazione proprietà
Snt_ID = 0
Snt_FolderName = ""
Snt_DistFromJobStart = 0
Snt_RowNumber = 0
Snt_DateTime = Nil
Snt_Type = ""
' ReDim Record(-1)
Dict = Nil
mRecordFound = False
End Sub
#tag EndMethod
g) Public Method definition:
#tag Method, Flags = &h0
Function Delete() As Boolean
// Cancellazione record tabella Sentinel
Dim RS As RecordSet
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "DELETE FROM Sentinel WHERE 1 = 1 "
SQL = SQL + " AND Snt_ID = " + Cstr(Snt_ID)
// errore ritornato dal Database
If DB_SQLServer.Error Then
mPropErrMessage = DB_SQLServer.ErrorMessage
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
#tag EndMethod
h) at the end of the class:
End Class
#tag EndClass