Hello there,
let me explain a little about what I want to achieve: The attached screenshot (.jpeg) is taken from a PlayStation game. I’m interested in the chart in the middle. I’d like to
- Locate the chart in the screenshot
- Extract the chart data by counting the pixels from the base line
- Ideally OCR the numbers
- Draw a chart from the extracted data to further analyze it
So far I’ve only done basic stuff in Xojo. Image processing is completely new to me - like a start from zero. But I’m keen to learn. What I’ve googled so far would mean to:
- Load the .jpeg image and convert it to bmp
- Load the bmp into a MemoryBlock
- Write an algo to crop the image to the important part
- Write an algo to differentiate between background and data
- Export the data into another MemoryBlock or Array
- Draw a chart from the data
- Add functionality to further analyze the image
Do you guys think this is feasible in Xojo (even with my level of skill)?
Do you guys agree to the rough path for realizing this project?