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Hey, I did put AVFoundation up for individual purchase, but still other plugins may be required.

The trouble here is that Xojo were utilizing a tried and tested x-plat framework for audio and video, then that vendor pulls the plug… In order for Xojo to then replace the entire functionality, it would require probably another developer and couple of years, or they switch to yet another third party toolkit.

Only Xojo can determine if there is enough customer demand for this functionality, sorry Sean, I don’t mean any offense here, just that it’s not a simple case of swapping a spark plug, or even swapping an engine (which is considerably less time consuming than swapping a complex framework).

This is something that most of us will comes across one day. Admittedly no where near the scale of the work that Xojo would face, I’ve had to replace third party code/object/plugins in my apps for various reasons. The latest is having to replace all my NSSharingService code as the same vendor who pulled Quicktime, also pulled this framework from under my feet!

Not to mention that I’ve been very slow in replacing eSellerate, rather than swap to someone else who could go the same way as eSellerate, I took the time to build my own ‘core’ system for handling registration and activation. This means it’s irrelevant who does the monetary transaction, as I control the registration system.