Ideas wanted for surprise MBS feature for Xojo.Connect

Word can already open HTML directly.

Maybe some additional database plugin, for example MongoDB.

An interface to run and interact with Python scripts would be great


True, but my core format is always HTML and I want to be able to export as HTML, Plain Text, PDF (all of which I can do now) and Word Docx formats directly. As a workaround, the user could export as HTML and open it in Word or LibreOffice.

BTW LibreOffice can edit HTML, and export it as odt, but cannot export it as docx.

exists already:

How about some JWT verification? It requires some cryptography not available in Xojo directly.

Just yesterday I helped a client to get JWT working.

We do have SHA256MBS.HMAC in our plugin.

Take a look here

Let me just add AVRouteDetectorMBS class and AVRoutePickerViewControlMBS control.

[quote=473728:@Christian Schmitz]Let me just add AVRouteDetectorMBS class and AVRoutePickerViewControlMBS control.

Very cool. Looks like I need to renew my plugins license soon!

+1 on a good MongoDB Driver

Otherwise a way to easily call into C# .Net Core Libraries would be great since these libraries are already cross-platform (Linux, Mac, PC). It would instantly expand the capacity of Xojo to do a wide range of things with limited amount of work. Granted that might be shooting your own business model in the foot Christian…

[quote=473878:@Brock Nash]+1 on a good MongoDB Driver

MongoDB doesn’t fit well into SQL interface, right?
And you can do it in Xojo directly, so no need for a plugin.

Last I tried it didn’t work great and couldn’t do the secure authentication required to talk to my Mongo Server. Based on the last update I doubt much has changed

[quote=473886:@Christian Schmitz]And you can do it in Xojo directly, so no need for a plugin.

How? Everything I’ve seen is for calling on a Windows machine not a Mac. And usually the old .Net Framework - not the new .Net Core. And I don’t want to have to build a COM wrapper library I want to just take an existing C# Core Library and call straight into it from Xojo. Eventually it would be cool to auto-generate a Xojo Module from pointing it at a .Net Library but the lack of nullable primitives, lambdas, and generics makes this unlikely. Granted these problems are ones the Xojo engineers are already facing with trying to introduce “interops” so maybe we’ll see some changes to make this more viable soon…

A plug-in control time provide a Vulkan canvas for Mac and Windows (similar to what Xojo does for OpenGL with its OpenGLSurface control). This is becoming increasingly important as OpenGL is deprecated in favour of Metal (which Vulkan can bridge to) on MacOS and without support soon graphics intensive work with Xojo will become very challenging.

Maybe you could wrap this open source library:

And provide a simple canvas/surface that Xojo developers could draw to?

Yup, we have a consulting project that uses OpenGL and this will become really important to them in the next year or so. I’m sure Apple will kill OpenGL entirely in the near future.

Vulkan is something we should talk with Xojo Inc. about to learn their plans.

I would be more happy to do this if Xojo Inc. would not do their own in parallel, promote ours and assist with plugin API changes if needed to make it possible. Really, this is a huge job and would take easily a year to get the plugin done in several steps.

Maybe we discuss that in Nashville next month.

Having seen your post about your MT enriched plugin methods:
Thomas Tempelmann presented macOS ways to create multithreaded methods and callbacks in Xojo in Munich on your conference. If THAT could be wrapped into a rather easy-to-use plugin … (And might I dream of Windows too …)?