IDE Communicator v2 example project

Hi all,

The above mentioned example file won’t load in Xojo:

" Unable to open the ‘v2.xojo_binary_project’ example. Please report this in Issues."

I’m trying to do some automation of Xojo from a Xojo Built GUI app. I’ve never used the communicator so I’m not sure how it works, but would appreciate trying the example.

Anyone have a copy? (8.9 KB)
here ya go

FWIW, I didn’t have a problem opening that example in xojo.

If you have trouble getting this to work, please let me know. I do a lot of this.

Thanks, Greg.
When I run that project, nothing happens.
I’m going to try to restart xojo and my laptop. Maybe I’m overdue.

If you’re not specifying sockets, it only works with the first concurrently launched version of xojo.

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