I lost lots of webpages

that is absolutely true, the text project is very stable and robust. And to be honest, I barely have mercy for the developers which are not using git and then complain about destroyed save files.

But the problem here is, that Git is a bit overwhelming when you never used it before. Citizen devs tend to backup their project by duplicating files once a day or even let their OS or Dropbox make the backup for them.

A simple Git integration in the IDE would bring a professional workflow in an easy way to developers of each stage and level.

You wont had to implement complex workflows like stashing, rebasing and stuff. Only creating and loading of branches and committing changes would do the job. And it is just a 2 to 3 days work for you guys.

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I remember that Geoff gave an outlook that they have GIT integration this on their roadmap, but first want to optimize the text project format, which is not yet in the best shape for an optimal GIT integration. Still bad news for the average citizen developers which might need to use binary format due to their license type.

Text project type is useless to me because almost every class can be used in multiple projects.

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