I have a question?

I need help.
I want a command that i can use for naming random. Lets say I want to pop up a message on the screen.
I want to use the random command but custom text instead of numbers. Brand New to xojo,
Plz help me. I saw my friend using it one day and i decided i wanted to use it. so yeah.

One option would be to use GetTemporaryFolderItem and use the Name it returns.

How would I use the GetTemporaryFolderItem?
This is what I have so far. Dim r As New Random
Label5.Text = Str(r.InRange(0,1000))
I want to make a custom text like a label random

What have you tried? It returns a FolderItem object. That object has a Name property. The name will consist of random letters.

I would use ChrB(r.InRange(65, 90)) which would give you a random uppercase character - uses ASCII encoding to select A - Z. You could create a function that would return a string which was made up of a number of random characters.

@Tim Hare where would i put it?

@Tim Hare I am brand new to xojo so not to familiar with all this but I am making good progress

@Tim Hare where would I put the GetTemporaryFolderItem

May I suggest looking at the great Quick Starts created by Paul? It will help you tremendously with getting started with Xojo and programming in general. It will not solve your immediate problem immediately, but in no time you will be handling these issues without a second thought.

You can find the quick starts here… http://documentation.xojo.com

thank you @Jeremy Cowgar but i already looked at those and I need more information

[quote=189049:@Christian Ochoa]How would I use the GetTemporaryFolderItem?
This is what I have so far. Dim r As New Random
Label5.Text = Str(r.InRange(0,1000))
I want to make a custom text like a label random[/quote]

The Language Reference is your friend :

Set your Text property with f.Name.

[quote=189049:@Christian Ochoa]How would I use the GetTemporaryFolderItem?
This is what I have so far.
Dim r As New Random
Label5.Text = Str(r.InRange(0,1000))
Replace that with

Label5.Text = GetTemporaryFolderItem.Name

Here is another approach.

  dim s as string
  dim chars() as string = split("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", "")
  dim i, n as integer
  dim r as New Random
  for i = 1 to 6
    n = r.InRange(0, ubound(chars))
    s = s + chars(n)
  label5.text = s