When I open a database in pgAdmin, I get the following error message. Does anyone know how to fix this? I just went from V94. to V11
12:40:20 AM: Error: ERROR: column “proisagg” does not exist
LINE 9: WHERE proisagg = FALSE AND pronamespace = 2200::oid
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column “pr.prolang”.
Did you migrate the data folder? PostgreSQL only directly supports updates within the same major version (e.g. 9.x to 9.x) without migrating the data. See here for more info and how to handle switching major versions.
Btw, support (end of life) of PG v11 (which was released in 2018) ended 3 weeks ago. I am not even sure modern versions of PGAdmin work with this ancient version. The current version of PG is 16.1.
I was using 9.4 but wanted to upgrade the use of pgAdmin and wanted the server version on my notebook to match the version on the Raspberry Pi’s we use.
I looked at instructions and they said to
Backup existing database
Install V11.
Create a new DB
Restore from the backup made on 9.4.
What I really need to know is how to correct the issue??
I never created queries for these so have no idea what they are how to fix them.
I did find on line that using the following command
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
WHERE p.prokind = 'f'
would fix it. It does appear to work now without error.
While on the subject of versions, if my development windows pc has a higher version of PostgreSQL like 16.x would that interfere with the operation of the same database on V11 that is in my Raspberry Pi?
The way you reported seemed that you are using an old pgAdmin doing improper deprecated queries. Upgrading it should solve the internal queries pgAdmin is issuing.
This appeared to fix it, BUT not sure what that command does, other than select a bunch of records - I do not see what/where a command to make a change is…
If I’m understanding correctly, you dumped the DB in v9.4
and in some places of the SQL text there are parts like
WHERE proisagg = FALSE AND pronamespace = ...
in the SQL.
The proisagg = FALSE says “just non-aggregate functions” in v9
but it does not exist in v11 anymore.
So when restoring you get errors… that’s what I suppose.
The equivalent in v11 to
proisagg = FALSE
prokind <> 'a'
I guess you may be starting in to diving in complex things that may be better to discuss in postgresql forums so experts could guide you better. Maybe they even can get tools for it for you.