HTTPSocket problem


I want to use the GoogleMapsDirections API:
For example like this:

Now I thougt I use the HTTPSocket to receif the contents:

Dim socket1 As New HTTPSocket Dim data As String = socket1.Get("GoogleMaps-API-String", 30) msgbox data

But I alway get an empty result.
If I paste the links into the webbrowser it works.

What is my problem?

Thanks for the help!

Check the HTTPStatusCode. Maybe there is a redirect (status code 3xx)

It also may be that they require the user-agent header to be set. Remember, HTTPSocket is not a browser. It’s just a raw socket for retrieving data.

Are you quoting your string name?

With this:

Dim y as string y="" Dim socket1 As New HTTPSocket Dim data As String = socket1.Get(y, 30) Textarea1.text= data

Under RB I get back

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DistanceMatrixResponse> <status>OK</status> <origin_address>Reitbahnstraße 42, 09111 Chemnitz, Deutschland</origin_address> <destination_address>Mittweidaer Straße 36, 09131 Chemnitz, Deutschland</destination_address> <row> <element> <status>OK</status> <duration> <value>856</value> <text>14 Minuten</text> </duration> <distance> <value>7317</value> <text>7,3 km</text> </distance> </element> </row> </DistanceMatrixResponse>