To get to this point I needed outside assistance as this is not my ball of wax but here we go as the learning curve is approaching infinity again.

I have an app that grabs a csv or txt file that contains many rows. Each row is a pertinent request I need to send. I prepare a POST and then send it. How I currently accomplish this now is blast this out one row after the other. There was no problem with small requests like less than 7. When I send a larger quest I get '502 service not available’.

I have looked on the receiving side where the info is being sent and no errors are in the log. This appears to be something in XOJO https sockets or I have not found the error on the server but I am certain I have checked the correct locations.

Here is a single request sent out and represents a single row. Some info is not displayed. This works if I send less than 8 at a time

https://x.x.x.x:xxxx/axl/inf<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> xmlns:ns="http://www............"> <soapenv:Header /> <soapenv:Body> <ns:getUser sequence="?"> <userid>username</userid> </ns:getUser> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>

When more than 7 rows exist HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable is returned but only for the first few requests that have been queued. The errors will eventually clean up and later requests will be processed.

For non error requests I do notice [quote]Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=A BIG NUMBER; Path=/axl/;…[/quote] in return response when all is good as well as [quote]<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas[/quote]

So how does one go about throttling these kinds of requests appropriately? Thanks

It’s not a good idea to just bang out one post after another. Many servers will see that as an attack and shut you down for a period of time. I don’t remember if it’s the 502 error or not. You may have to build some pauses into your stream of posts. In my case, I had control of both sides and was able to change it to send multiple requests in a single post.

If you’re getting anything in the 5xx range, that indicates that there’s some sort of problem on the server side… not the requesting side. I’m guessing that the server code itself can’t handle more than 4 or 5 simultaneous requests OR that the error is incorrect.

You might also look at the body of the response. Sometimes the ErrorMessage detail is placed in there.