I have a problem with an HTMLViewer - Can anyone else reproduce this:
Create a new blank OS X project.
Drag an HTMLViewer into the window.
Load in a pdf file from the desktop, using the code below:
Dim pdfi as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.pdf")
If pdfi.Exists And pdfi <> Nil Then
End If
4) Look at the top right of the HTMLViewer - just above the scrollbar there is a small grey rectangle? If you drag that rectangle downwards, it acts as a splitter control, and reveals a SECOND version of the pdf file???
Simon - I have never had a splitter control, and it is a brand new project file.
The link here is a brand new project - compiled using the very latest Xojo (2015 r2.2), and on my system, displays a splitter above the top of the scrollbar, which when dragged down, shows a second version of the pdf.
Oh dear - this then opens up a whole new problem.
Does this mean that my system settings are at fault? If so, I have no idea where to even look on my system to check this?
Christian mentioned the pdf plugin for the HTMLViewer - but surely that would apply to everyone, not just me - and it shouldn’t cause 2 versions of the same pdf file to appear in 1 HTMLViewer?
Yes, it was due to having Acrobat XI Pro installed!!!
I uninstalled it, and now it works as expected. The problem is that any of my users which have Acrobat XI Pro installed will encounter this strange behaviour, and then think it is my app’s fault
I could not even find a way to disable this feature in Acrobat XI Pro, so I had to completely uninstall it.
That’s fascinating! Is that Mac only? Could one do that to get an image of the first ( title ) page of a multi-page .pdf? ( I’m often needing to do that ).