Mac HTMLViewer question: I’m trying to get HTTP to work behind a network firewall for an internal application using HTMLViewer. There is no SSL and never will be so showing HTTPS:// content is not an option. I DID figure out how to add the correct AppTransportSecurity plist entries into the app after its compiled by editing the info.plist file in the complied applications file folder.
How can I add the entries into the app itself so I can preview and test the app BEFORE I compile it?
I read someone said just drag the entries into the project, but when I drag the info.plist into the project nothing happens when I preview the app? Am I missing something here. Does it need to be some other file format like XML or TXT or something?
Treat me like a newbie here, I am trying to learn here and please don’t post links the the App_Transport_Security page, because it tells you the protocol (Which I did figure out) - It just does not tell you how to implement it in your app before you compile, so that page doesn’t really help me. Any genuine step by step so I can learn would be helpful.
NSAllowsArbitraryLoads [b](or whatever you need here)[/b]
then drag/drop the file into the IDE’s navigator (left-most) column. That should create an alias to your plist file which will get incorporated into the built app.
I’ve added this code to a info.plist, info.txt and a info.xml file and drug them into the side bar. None of them do anything when I preview the app or when I build it. Does it matter the file name?
[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*********** [b]<-- I hid the actual domain, but it works when added to the plist after build[/b]
You can do this via the Apple command line tool PlistBuddy and a Xojo post build script.
The Xojo build script would be something like:
Dim appName As String
Dim appPath As String
Dim plistPath As String
Dim domainName As String
Dim scriptCommandsArray(-1) As String
DIm shellCommandResult As String
'build the plist path
appName = CurrentBuildAppName
appName = ReplaceAll(appName, " ", "\ ") // Escape spaces for the command line