HTMLViewer to a PDF

It is possible to convert an HTMLViewer to a PDF. Load a pdf inside HTMLViewer I want to edit the pdf and save the HTMLViewer changes in a pdf file


DynaPDFMBS allows you to open a PDF, edit the PDF and display the PDF
HTMLViewer will just display an existing one, (assuming the engine in use has PDF capability.)

It’s possible to convert Html to PDF. Editing pdf is quite quite complex.

For the conversion: : unclear license so I have no experience
There is a really nice javascript library whose primary benefit is that you don’t have to load the html. Would have to look up the name. Unfortunately, it was slower than my existing solution.
PrintToPDFFileMBS : a bit convoluted to use but works fine

do you need it for Mac? Win? Linux? iOS? Web?

For a couple of functions in MBS Plugins, you can look here:

Mac and Win…

[quote=361322:@Christian Schmitz]do you need it for Mac? Win? Linux? iOS? Web?

For a couple of functions in MBS Plugins, you can look here:[/quote]

I already tried it but it shows incorrect…
the pdf looks very large and the margins are not correct

This may help

@Michel Bujardet it does not.

@Victor Manuel Osornio:
To render HTML to website cross platform, you need to bring a web engine with html capabilities.
wkhtmltopdf using webkit is a good idea in that case.

Otherwise, you can only use via plugin the native functions from webkit.
RenderDocumentToPDFMBS may be good to give whole page as PDF.
Otherwise PrintToPDFFileMBS which makes normal pages to print.

For Windows there is no native support for PDF, except maybe printing through PDF printer driver.