HTMLViewer Events


I was playing around with the capabilities of HTMLViewer and saw that DragEnter and DragOver are two of the available event handlers, however in the Language Reference there is no mention of either of these two events on the HTMLViewer page (ie. if you hit “Help for HTMLViewer” on right clicking). Does this mean that these events are no longer available and therefore ignored or are the pages just missing from the Language Reference?


The HTMLViewer inherits those events from its SuperClass, RectControl, so Refer to the RectControl docs. The HTMLViewer docs should list them, but sometimes the docs don’t mention inherited events and properties.

Those events are never called and should not appear in the event handler list for HTMLViewer.


The event DocumentProgressChanged of the HTML viewer is not giving it’s parameters correctly. (2015r1 / Windows7)
URL is allways emty and the value of Percentagecomplete is only 0 or 1 or -2147483648.
There are some quite old feedback items, like 28386.