[HTMLViewer] Canvas not loading


I’m doing something very stupid I think. I try to load a html page in the HTMLViewer, it loads, but not correctly. There is supposed to appear a HTML5 canvas. But it’s not showing.
Native or Webkit rendering makes no difference.

I tried to load the page on Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome, it all works like expected.

What could be the reason?

This are the files that I’m trying to load: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=68696313538069265611
When you open the AGKEditor.html on your computer, you should see ‘loading’ for a split second, then a black canvas for 5 seconds, then a red error message (because it tries to set up a socket connection to a local server).

This all doesn’t show in the HTMLViewer.

Thank you

EDIT : NJP - fixed so clicking the link actually take you to your URL

Sounds like you are on Windows? Does it work if you tell Windows to use a newer rendering engine? See this blog post:


(And set the HTMLViewer to render Native).

Thanks for the answer Paul! But I’m on OSX 10.11.6, so that couldn’t be the reason.
Is the HTMLViewer limited in functionality in anyway compared to JS rendering in Chrome?

It’s a fairly complex application (Over 10mb on JS code)

On OS X, I believe the HTMLViewer just passes through to the Cocoa WebView control. Does changing the UserAgent to something to identify it as Safari help?

MyHTMLViewer.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/601.5.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.1.6 Safari/601.5.26"

Please pick a different upload site.
I tried to start to help, but it just downloaded multiple files when I clicked download.
Heads up to all, do NOT touch the JavaPlugin.dmg file.

I don’t trust that your original files have not been modified due to the shady behavior of that website.

[quote=281739:@Tim Parnell]Please pick a different upload site.
I tried to start to help, but it just downloaded multiple files when I clicked download.
Heads up to all, do NOT touch the JavaPlugin.dmg file.

I don’t trust that your original files have not been modified due to the shady behavior of that website.[/quote]
Had no Idea that site changes the contents. Here is a safe dropbox link: https://xojo.io/b5c0e0120d71