How to Use xql to get value from xml

Using Xojo 2014 r 2.1 on windows
I am getting a soap response and need to read the a:itemprice value from the returned xml. I have tried dozens of different examples but nothing seems to work correctly. I would prefer to use xql but getting an error that says invalid namespace prefix ‘a:price’
Can someone explain to me how to read the value?

I tried the following code from an online example but get the above error.

s is the returned xml from soap request

[code] dim map() as string = Array(“”)

Dim theXmlNodeList As XmlNodeList = s.Xql( “a:price/a:itemprice”, map())

Dim theMyTagNode As XmlNode = theXmlNodeList.Item( 0 )

// Get the TextNode
Dim theXmlTextNode As XmlTextNode = XmlTextNode( theMyTagNode.Child( 0 ) )[/code]

Below it the xml that is returned and saved in variable s as xmldocument

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“”>

<a:value>PLUG - SPARK</a:value>
<a:itemerror i:nil=“true”/>


I think that your namespace map is incorrect.

From the docs you need to provide the namespace followed by its schema:

Dim map() As String = Array("ns1","http://foo","ns2","http://bar")

So your code would need to be:

dim map() as string = Array("a","")

Thank you so much. I works great now. I was just missing the “a”