How to use the canvas to draw a semi-transparent image ?

I want to place a picture on the canvas , you can freely change the picture of transparency
How to achieve it ?
Thank you

Put a canvas on a window. Call it Canvas1. Put a slider on the window. Set it’s Maximum to 255. Add the ValueChanged event to the slider. Put in this code (where pic1 is your image). rgb(me.value, me.value, me.value),0,pic1.width, pic1.height)

Add the Paint event to the canvas and put in this code.

g.DrawPicture pic1, 0, 0

Run the project and adjust the slider. You can turn on LiveScroll on the slider if you wish.

Thank you, this is what I want

But when I move the canvas there is a new problem , the process of moving , flashing canvas is very powerful , and how to make the canvas when moving , not blinking it? Or is my method wrong ?
this my code:

Add the action event to the Timer and put in this code.

if iCount < 255 then
Canvas1.Left = Canvas1.Left +10
iCount = iCount + 10 rgb(iCount,iCount,iCount),0,h1.width,h1.height)
end if

Add the Paint event to the canvas and put in this code.
g.DrawPicture h1, 0, 0