How to Use MBSPlugins - iCloud Example

I want to try Sample application on MBSPlugins “iCloud Example”.
But this application doesn’t work. I’m not sure if the certificate settings on the Apple Developer are correct. I 'd like to know more about the setting.
By the way, I am given the role of “App Manager” in the development team.

Or if there are ane other ways to access files in iCloud from a Desktop App, please let me know.

After trying out the desktop app, I want to access files in iCloud from my iPad using the iOS App.

First there are something like 10 different things named iCloud from Apple.
What part of iCloud do you like to use?

The iCloud example file uses the

  • part for storing permanent synchronized preferences with NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreMBS class.
  • Store files in the app container in iCloud.

To run the example you need to change the SignScript and sign the build application.

Thank you for your reply.

Specifically, I world like to handle any image file stored in iCloud Drive on an iPad App. My purpose may be different from the purpose of “iCloud Example”. Are there any MBS sample apps that might suit my needs?