If I am using a USB drive and want to unmount it by name, is there a Xojo or MBS command to do this?
Mac? Win? Linux?
I think we have an unmount function on folderitem class in our plugins.
Currently Mac.
I didn’t see .UnMountVolumeMBS pop up with the auto-complete
This is because it is a function that returns a value, and it doesn’t appear unless I use Call or assign the return value.
…however it always fails with an error 47 ‘in use’
oh well
may the force be with you: kDADiskUnmountOptionForce
[quote=176670:@Jeff Tullin]…however it always fails with an error 47 ‘in use’
oh well[/quote]
If you get this message, it most likely means that either your application is still accessing a file on the disk, or Spotlight is. Spotlight is great, but it will index USB drives unless you force it not to. This of course slows down all actions when using said USB drive. I really wish Apple would add an option to not index USB drives unless I specify that I want that drive indexed, or at least wait an hour or so before indexing that drive.