How to uniquely differentiate two similar substrings in a string?

How to uniquely differentiate two similar substrings in a string (Shell.Result)? I tried several approaches, but all my attempts failed because it systematically detects “Hardware Port: Ethernet” in “Hardware Port: Ethernet Adapter”!

Var sh As New Shell

sh.Execute("/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports")
if sh.IsRunning Then
end if

Dim inputString As String = sh.Result
Dim pattern As String = "\bHardware Port: Ethernet\b"

Dim regex As New RegEx
regex.SearchPattern = pattern

Dim match As RegExMatch
match = regex.Search(inputString)

If sh.ErrorCode = 0 Then
  If match <> Nil Then
    MsgBox "An Ethernet port is present""
    MsgBox "No Ethernet port is present!”
  End If
End If


Var sh As New Shell

sh.Execute("/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports")
if sh.IsRunning Then
end if

Dim inputString As String = sh.Result

Dim pattern As String = "Hardware Port: Ethernet"
Dim pattern1 As String = "Hardware Port: Ethernet Adapter"

var test as Boolean = False

for x as integer = 1 to inputString.CountFields(EndOfLine)
  var part as String = inputString.NthField(EndOfLine,x)
  if part.IndexOf(pattern)>=0 and part.IndexOf(pattern1)<0 then test=true

If sh.ErrorCode = 0 Then
  If test Then
    MsgBox "An Ethernet port is present!"
    MsgBox "No Ethernet port is present!"
  End If
End If

Also :

Var sh As New Shell

Var EthernetPort  As Boolean = False

sh.Execute("/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports")
if sh.IsRunning Then
end if

If sh.ErrorCode = 0 Then
  Var inputString As String = sh.Result
  Var lines() As String
  lines = Split(inputString, EndOfLine)
  For Each line As String In lines
    If line = "Hardware Port: Ethernet" Then
        EthernetPort = true
       'MsgBox "An Ethernet port is present!"
    End If
End If

not exactly true, when You take a look at actual terminal output of “”/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports"…

macbook-m1props:~ polonus$ /usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports

Hardware Port: Ethernet Adapter (en4)
Device: en4
Ethernet Address: 76:aa:c6:a9:ce:6e

Hardware Port: Ethernet Adapter (en5)
Device: en5
Ethernet Address: 76:aa:c6:a9:ce:6f

Hardware Port: Ethernet Adapter (en6)
Device: en6
Ethernet Address: 76:aa:c6:a9:ce:70

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Bridge
Device: bridge0 (...)

Lines with …Adapter" don’t end just like that…