How to set individual Column Widths of WebListBox programatically

Hello all,

In Web1, in code I would read certain column widths then adjust accordingly. Is there a way to do this in Web 2?


Is there a bug in WebListBox.ColumnWidths? It’s supposed to read/write a comma delimited string of column widths.

Individual ColumnWidth is not available in Web 2, could you please add a Feature Request for this?

You can achieve it using a combination of ColumnWidths, String.Split and String.FromArray.

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Ricardo, you beat me to it.

I sub-classed my WebListbox and added a property with a Variant array.
When the values of this array change, it constructs a string, almost the same way as you describe. This string is set in the ColumnWidths property of the WebListbox.

The advantage of using Variants is that it supports a mix or the * symbol, as well as integers.

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Will do Ricardo,

But I question why this functionality (and other functionality) that was in Web1, is not in web 2???

Hopefully I did this correct, it is labeled as number 69042.


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