I just had a little bit of time to make some more examples how to get the entries from the Outlook 2010 Calendar folder.
I used the methods and properties from Outlook 2003, so it might work from version Outlook 2003.
Example 1:
'This example gets all appointments from default Outlook calendar and display only the first three appointments.
Dim myOlApp As OLEObject
Dim myNamespace As OLEObject
Dim myAppointments As OLEObject
Dim myItems As OLEObject
Dim myItem As OLEObject
Dim nItems As Integer
Dim outText As String
Dim CalDate As New Date // used for Calendar Start and End Time
Dim CalStartTime As String
Dim CalEndTime As String
Dim CalDuration As String
Dim CalAllDayEvent As String
Dim CalRecurrence As String
// Enumeration See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb208072%28v=office.12%29.aspx
Const olFolderCalendar = 9
myOlApp = NEW OLEObject("Outlook.Application")
myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
myAppointments = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
myItems = myAppointments.Items
nItems = myItems.count
outText = "Total number of appointments: " + str(nItems) + EndOfLine.Windows + EndOfLine.Windows
If nItems > 3 Then nItems = 3 // in this case we only want to show max 3 appointments
For i as integer = 1 to nItems
myItem = myAppointments.Items(i)
CalDate.TotalSeconds = myItem.invoke("Start")
CalStartTime = str(CalDate)
CalDate.TotalSeconds = myItem.invoke("End") // Can't use syntax: myItem.End. Conflict with Xojo
CalEndTime = str(CalDate)
CalDuration = str(myitem.Invoke("Duration"))
if myitem.AllDayEvent Then
CalAllDayEvent = "Yes"
CalAllDayEvent = "No"
End If
if myItem.IsRecurring Then
CalRecurrence = "Yes"
CalRecurrence = "No"
End If
outText = outText + "Appointment: " + str(i) +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Subject: "+ myItem.Subject + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Location: " + myItem.Location + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Start time: " + CalStartTime + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "End time: " + CalEndTime + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Duration: " + CalDuration + " Minutes" +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "All day Event: "+ CalAllDayEvent +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Recurrence: " + CalRecurrence + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Text: " + Left(myItem.Body, 80) +EndOfLine.Windows +EndOfLine.Windows // Only print max 80 characters out from the body
// Appointment Property info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa210899%28v=office.11%29.aspx
Msgbox outText
myOlApp = Nil
exception err as oleexception
msgbox err.message
Example 2:
'This example gets all appointments from default Outlook calendar
'and display only the first three appointments from search query
Dim myOlApp As OLEObject
Dim myNamespace As OLEObject
Dim myAppointments As OLEObject
Dim myItems As OLEObject
Dim myItem As OLEObject
Dim myRestrictItems As OLEObject
Dim nItems, nRestrictItems As Integer
Dim outText As String
Dim CalDate As New Date // used for Calendar Start and End Time
Dim CalStartTime As String
Dim CalEndTime As String
Dim CalDuration As String
Dim CalAllDayEvent As String
Dim CalRecurrence As String
// Enumeration See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb208072%28v=office.12%29.aspx
Const olFolderCalendar = 9
myOlApp = NEW OLEObject("Outlook.Application")
myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
myAppointments = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
myItems = myAppointments.Items
nItems = myItems.count
// Restrict method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa210275%28v=office.11%29.aspx
//search query
//myRestrictItems = myItems.Restrict("[LastModificationTime] > '11/10/2013'")
myRestrictItems = myItems.Restrict("[Start] > '12/10/2013'")
nRestrictItems = myRestrictItems.count
outText = "Total number of appointments: " + str(nItems) +" Restrict appointments: "+ str(nRestrictItems)+ EndOfLine.Windows + EndOfLine.Windows
If nRestrictItems > 3 Then nRestrictItems = 3 // in this case we only want to show max 3 appointments from Search query above
For i as integer = 1 to nRestrictItems
myItem = myAppointments.Items(i)
CalDate.TotalSeconds = myItem.invoke("Start")
CalStartTime = str(CalDate)
CalDate.TotalSeconds = myItem.invoke("End") // Can't use syntax: myItem.End. Conflict with Xojo
CalEndTime = str(CalDate)
CalDuration = str(myitem.Invoke("Duration"))
if myitem.AllDayEvent Then
CalAllDayEvent = "Yes"
CalAllDayEvent = "No"
End If
if myItem.IsRecurring Then
CalRecurrence = "Yes"
CalRecurrence = "No"
End If
outText = outText + "Appointment: " + str(i) +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Subject: "+ myItem.Subject + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Location: " + myItem.Location + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Start time: " + CalStartTime + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "End time: " + CalEndTime + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Duration: " + CalDuration + " Minutes" +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "All day Event: "+ CalAllDayEvent +EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Recurrence: " + CalRecurrence + EndOfLine.Windows _
+ "Text: " + Left(myItem.Body, 80) +EndOfLine.Windows +EndOfLine.Windows // Only print max 80 characters out from the body
// Appointment Property info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa210899%28v=office.11%29.aspx
Msgbox outText
myOlApp = Nil
exception err as oleexception
msgbox err.message
If you are in doubt what variable type the object returns. You can always do a test like these examples as shown:
Here myItem.invoke(“Start”) returns variable type “Double”
Dim myVarType1 As variant
myVarType1 = myItem.invoke("Start")
msgbox str(myVarType1.Type) //Display 5 which is a variable type "Double"
Here myItem.Start returns variable type “Object”
Dim myVarType2 As variant
myVarType2 = myItem.Start
msgbox str(myVarType2.Type) //Display 9 which is a variable type "Object"
Just using different syntax: myItem.invoke(“Start”) or myItem.Start you get different value types returned, and sometimes this can create errors in your code.
According to the Microsoft documentation " myItem.Start" will return a variable type “double”, so I should be able to write this:
msgbox str(myItem.Start)
Unfortunately this will create an error
But if you write it like this:
Dim myD as Double = myItem.Start
msgbox str(myD)
Then it works fine
Links to previous Examples using OLEObject in windows: