How to read multi-dimension array?

Hello all,
I want to store about 10 records in a two dimension array. How do I read that data back?

MAC_Array(-1,-1) As String

//Save the data
  For i As Integer = 0 to system.NetworkInterfaceCount -1
    //Get the NetworkInterface object for the selected item
    n = System.GetNetworkInterface(i)
    App.MAC_Array(n.MACAddress, "N")
  Next i

How to read back? The first element(?) is the MAC, the second is a marker. If the MAC matches something, then I will need to edit the second.

    For i = 0 to App.MAC_Array.Ubound -1
      If App.MAC_Array(i)

Thank you,

I’m not sure what you are doing exactly but you need to dimension your array with the bounds of the networkinterface count I believe. Something like the below might work. Not optimized in any fashion. Obviously you would want to store the system.NetworkInterfaceCount-1 in a variable for reuse. Read the array back like it is saved.

  dim MAC_Array(-1,-1) As String
  redim MAC_ARRAY(system.NetworkInterfaceCount -1, 1)
  Dim n as NetworkInterface
  //Save the data
  For i As Integer = 0 to system.NetworkInterfaceCount -1
    //Get the NetworkInterface object for the selected item
    n = System.GetNetworkInterface(i)
    MAC_Array(i, 0) = n.MacAddress
    MAC_Array(i, 1) = "N"
  Next i

Maybe something like this:

For i As Integer = 0 To MACArray.Ubound(1) // size of first dimension of array If MACArray(i, 0) = matchingMAC Then MACArray(i, 1) = "new value" End If Next

Thanks guys!
Your code is very instructive - much appreciated!