I want to allow users to drag & drop specific files onto the Window and then react on it (Desktop app, latest Xojo2019.x) . It works on Mac but on Windows 10 it shows me a red blocking sign as soon as I hover the Window with a valid file type.
Var FileType As New FileType
FileType.Extensions = "prg;PRG;bit;BIT;m65;M65;sid;SID;bin;BIN"
I also have tried it with the dot notation (.prg;.PRG…) but same result. While it’s working on Mac is there anything specific I have to do on the Windows side?
I also have created a FileGroup by the FileGroup editor and trying to access that one:
But I always got this error message on using a FileGroup (accessed by its ID):
MainWindow.Open, line 12
This item does not exist
MainWindow.Open, line 12
Parameter “type” expects type String, but this is type No Type.
This is weird because the documentation (Drag a File Onto a List Box → Step 4) is not using a string value at this stage.
Any ideas how I can solve the problem on Windows 10?