For Windows, I need a way to know which CPU the system is running on (Intel or AMD).
Any easy way to get this info?
Edit: forgotten to add - no plugins allowed (I know I can retrieve this with SystemInformationMBS.CPUBrandString)
For Windows, I need a way to know which CPU the system is running on (Intel or AMD).
Any easy way to get this info?
Edit: forgotten to add - no plugins allowed (I know I can retrieve this with SystemInformationMBS.CPUBrandString)
Have you tried this?
#if TargetARM then
But i first tought this, too…
Ah, sorry .
Those terms I confound…
Now I understand AMD can’t be determined at compile time, so TargetSomething won’t help.
I found a way by using this in the shell:
wmic computersystem get model,name,manufacturer,systemtype
Note: only works on Windows 10 and 11.
Try this one to get the actual CPU name:
wmic cpu get caption, deviceid, name, numberofcores, maxclockspeed, status