How to handle WSDL files since SOAPMethod is deprecated?

Hello everyone!

I wonder how you handle now WSDL files since SOAPMethod is deprecated, I’ve tried to look for some examples but didn’t find anything. Is URLConnection class an alternative? I just need to load a WSDL from an external URL and invoke a method. Does anyone have an advice?

Thanks a lot!

PS: the code I would like to update looks like this:

Var sock As New HTTPSecureSocket

sock.SSLEnabled = True
sock.SSLConnectionType = SSLSocket.SSLConnectionTypes.TLSv12
sock.Port = 443
sock.Yield = True

Var webService As New SOAPMethod


webService.Parameter("inputXml") = myXML

Var soapResponse As SOAPResult
soapResponse =  webService.Invoke("getPDFLabel")

Var s As String = soapResponse.Result("outputString")
Var r As String = soapResponse.Result("binaryDocument")