Hi folks,
I’ve been spending some time over the last few days working on a one-click method of creating installers. As background, I work on a Mac, but build consumer apps for Mac and Windows. In the past we’ve been using a combination of Build Automation and good ol’ manual labour to sign the apps, create the DMGs for them and so on, but the process is long and tedious and fraught with errors.
What I really wanted was a way to click one button - just one - and have it build my Mac and Windows apps, sign the Mac app, make a DMG for me, then make a Windows .exe installer, sign that, and put it all in one place. Turns out it’s possible, using a combination of various different programs (App Wrapper, DMG Canvas, KSign, InnoScript Studio, InnoSetup) along with Parallels on a Mac.
Sorry, Windows folks, but this is a guide for people coding on Macs, but wanting to make Mac and Windows installers. I don’t know if it’s possible to do a similar thing on Windows.
I should point out that there may well be a better way of doing this using various other tools, but I’ve not found it yet - and, from the look of things on the forums, I’m not sure anyone else has, either. I wouldn’t class myself as a techie, just someone who can break a big problem down into lots of little problems and then solve all of them one by one. If you’re tempted to comment ‘why didn’t you do it x way?’ to anything, my answer will almost certainly be ‘because I didn’t know you could’! I’ll be interested to hear how the process could be improved.
Hopefully it’ll be of use to people; even if not, it’s been an enjoyable few days digging round in the bowels of my machine.
PS This could be neatly extended to produce things like DSA signatures, MD5 checksums and so on, and even call a separate command-line utility to FTP those files up to a server somewhere, so you could turn it into a single-click release mechanism. I thought that it was complicated enough already, though!
Word document guide, video walk through and supporting files at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15108631/One-Click%20Build.zip