I have a Multidimensional array.
that have the data of a listbox.
So If I want to get the value of the first row and the eight column, I do this: my2dArray(0,8)
But how can I walk through that array and get the last value of the eight column?
(Will Shank)
September 4, 2015, 6:39am
That’s actually the 9th column
Anyways, use Ubound with the optional parameter specifying which dimension you want the upper bound of
dim sizeX As integer = Ubound(my2dArray, 1)
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 2)
note, this form of Ubound doesn’t work.
dim sizeX As integer = my2DArray.Ubound(1)
[quote=211473:@Will Shank]That’s actually the 9th column
Anyways, use Ubound with the optional parameter specifying which dimension you want the upper bound of
dim sizeX As integer = Ubound(my2dArray, 1)
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 2)
note, this form of Ubound doesn’t work.
dim sizeX As integer = my2DArray.Ubound(1)[/quote]
Of course, the 9th column. Arrays are zero based.
So If I want to get the last value of the 9th column I need to do this:
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 1)
Msgbox my2dArray(sizeY,8)
Dim sum As Integer
Now If I want to sum all the values of that column I need to do a loop right?
Sum = sum+SizeY
For i As Integer = 0 to SizeY
Pls correct me If I’m wrong
Thanks a lot
[quote=211475:@Gerardo García]Thanks.
So If I want to get the last value of the 9th column I need to do this:
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 1)
Msgbox my2dArray(sizeY,8)
Dim sum As Integer
Now If I want to sum all the values of that column I need to do a loop right?
Sum = sum+SizeY
For i As Integer = 0 to SizeY
Pls correct me If I’m wrong
Thanks a lot[/quote]
I forgot this: Sum = sum + Val(my2dArray(sizeY,8)) NOT SUM = SUM+SIZEY.
But what about if The values of that column are currency or double?
[quote=211478:@Gerardo García]I forgot this: Sum = sum + Val(my2dArray(sizeY,8)) NOT SUM = SUM+SIZEY.
But what about if The values of that column are currency or double?[/quote]
JUST Kidding ! Only change integer to double to get the decimals
What Am I doing wrong?
I’m watching that the result is bigger, I export the data of the listbox to an excel spreadsheet.
Thats the code what I’m using:
Dim subtotal As DOUBLE
Dim SubtotalLbl As String
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 1)
For yap As integer = 0 to sizeY
Subtotal = subtotal + Cdbl(my2dArray(sizeY,9))
SubtotalLbl = Str(FORMAT(subtotal,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
TotalImplbl = str(FORMAT(totalImpuestos,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
GranTotalbl = Str(FORMAT(GranTotal,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
And also I noticed that sometimes I get “0” in the sum.
[quote=211512:@Gerardo García]What Am I doing wrong?
I’m watching that the result is bigger, I export the data of the listbox to an excel spreadsheet.
Thats the code what I’m using:
Dim subtotal As DOUBLE
Dim SubtotalLbl As String
dim sizeY As integer = Ubound(my2DArray, 1)
For yap As integer = 0 to sizeY
Subtotal = subtotal + Cdbl(my2dArray(sizeY,9))
SubtotalLbl = Str(FORMAT(subtotal,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
TotalImplbl = str(FORMAT(totalImpuestos,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
GranTotalbl = Str(FORMAT(GranTotal,"\$###,###,###0 .00"))
And also I noticed that sometimes I get “0” in the sum.[/quote]
I noticed my error. I’m not using next. I was summing the last value of the array as many rows has the array.
The right code is this: Subtotal = subtotal + Val(my2dArray(yap,9))
NOT THAT: Subtotal = subtotal + Val(my2dArray(sizeY,9))