How to find the issues where I've added [BugBash2022Nominee] in the comments?


I’d like to find every issue, in Issues, where I’ve added the comment “ [BugBash2022Nominee]” (mainly so I can count how many I’ve already added). Is there a syntax for that?

Thanks, but this returns all issues having [BugBash2022Nominee]; I’d like to see only the ones where the nominer is me.
If I add my name after the query, it finds nothing.

Looks like all of your issues with the Bug Bash 2022 label have been closed already.

You can do this for any user:

  1. Click the Search field
  2. In the resulting menu select “Label”
  3. In the next menu select “=”
  4. In the next menu select “Bug Bash 2022”
  5. The first menu should now reappear, select “Author”
  6. In the next menu select “=”
  7. In the next menu, search for and select the user. In this case I searched for “Arnaud” and selected “Arnaud N”.
  8. Hit Enter to perform the search.

If you didn’t author the ticket you nominated, it can’t be found like this by search as comments on cases aren’t searchable if I remember correctly.

Thanks for the information and the steps you provided (which I already tested).

And that’s what I’d like to achieve. Since I can put only up to 10 nominations, I wonder how many left I have (so I can choose and nominate the most important remaining issues properly).
Well, in the meantime, I’ve started to list all comments being [BugBash2022Nominee] (as the link provided by Torsten suggests) and, since there are “only” 257 results (13 pages), I’m searching on each page whether Safari finds my name. That’ll still work.