How to escape quotes in XMLTextNode?

What would be the best practice to escape ’ and " when creating XMLTextNode? Other predefined entities (<, > and &) are escaped automatically. Doing this:

Dim t As String = "O'Malley" xml.CreateTextNode( t.ReplaceAll( "'", "&apos;") )

only results to O&amp;apos;Malley

You should not need to escape it.
That is done automatically by xml library.

[quote=421228:@Christian Schmitz]You should not need to escape it.
That is done automatically by xml library.[/quote]

I agree that it should go like this. But this code snippet:

[code]Dim x As New XmlDocument

x.AppendChild( x.CreateTextNode( “<>&’”"" ) )

Dim s As String = x.ToString
I wonder what I’m doing wrong when s gets set to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><>&amp;'"

Quotes don’t usually need to be escaped in nodes. There are some instances in which they do, but in your example above, the quotes are safe to be used un-escaped. Reference

Are you seeing some kind of issue with reading the XML after it has been generated by the Xojo?

[quote=421243:@Tim Parnell]Quotes don’t usually need to be escaped in nodes. There are some instances in which they do, but in your example above, the quotes are safe to be used un-escaped. Reference

Are you seeing some kind of issue with reading the XML after it has been generated by the Xojo?[/quote]
The other end receiving the XML I’m creating requires to escape the quotes.