How to draw a lasso in a Canvas?

Hello all,

I am working on upgrading an older product which uses Xojo 2019 R1.1. I need to draw a lasoo around a group of objects, basically a solid or dotted line. I know the starting and ending x,y coordiates but have forgotten how to draw the line!

Can anyone provide some sample code to do this?

Thank you,

see also shapes
you would make a method for your lasso and call it from within canvas paint event with g argument.
you can subclass your canvas to make it more functional and add own properties there.

a none example

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Hi RudolfJ

Thanks for the sample. I had to move the project to the latest 2022 R3.1 and it worked perfectly!

Another question for you, is there an equally easy way to draw a box or rectangle using similar code??

Thank you again!

Hello Tim
new Lasso Box - Point controll

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