How to define path

How to?

I have the following line of code:
db.DataSource = “DRIVER = {Microsoft Access Driver (*. mdb, *. accdb)}; DBQ = C: \ Users \ BesoFT \ Desktop \ project_term \ data_term.mdb; User Id = admin, Password =;”

In the part where I define the path to mdb file I would like to insert the name of the field where the path is defined or selected from the dialogue. I did a lot of work in VBA. There was a very simple:

db.DataSource = “DRIVER = {Microsoft Access Driver (*. mdb, *. accdb)}; DBQ =” & field.text & “User Id = admin, Password =;”

How can I do like the Xojo?

“+” is the string concatenation operator in Xojo. Use “+” instead of “&”.

Thank you very much. Works!

Very easy … but I do not get the idea …