I just read your PDF while consuming a rather large double quarter pounder. At least I don’t feel sick from consuming your PDF. Very helpful and a great document. I’ll be giving it a try. Thanks
Hi Thomas, none that are current unfortunately as the framework has changed a bit and lots of older tutorials use deprecated functions, which is why I started the document and sample project.
I’d recommend having a good read through the CompleteModule.cpp example (in Xojo/Extras/Plugin SDK/Examples/Complete Module) for insights into creating additional methods in your module, adding properties etc.
Tip: If you assign the global option to any of your methods (like I did in the example) you are then able to use the method without referencing the module (so it looks just like an ordinary part of Xojo - at least that’s my understanding), however Xojo is making a definite move to modules and frameworks, so it’s probably better to start using your plugins that way too (e.g. use modulename.methodname instead of just methodname).
Thank you again Matthew. The Complete Example include in 2013 R2 does not compile as is for me. I in general, always try and use the name space of a module.
Feature request filed Joe. 28609 - Plugin Documentation and Examples
Thanks for this Matt. Very helpful and something I would’ve liked to see from RS years ago. Altho I’ve written a large plugin myself, and ported it successfully to Xcode 4 (and likely Xojo tho not tested yet), I was never quite clear on how/why it worked, and th.f. always terrified how easily I can break it with one target setting change or include file.
Having a clear path to source level debugging in Xcode and eventually instructions on supporting 32/64 bit plugins would also be most welcome (yes, filed).
I would like to see an example that presents a cross-platform graphical control. There are a lot of details that need to be addressed for cross-platform and GUI interaction with XOJO apps. Maybe presenting a text field or button in a functional manner. This would show how to manage event relay from Cocoa (and windows) controls created in the plugin and the XOJO app.
I have ordered a few books from Amazon and was going to see if I could get something working once they arrive. If someone is able to create a simple COM program on Mac, we can give it a go on Windows just to try.
Yes, a cross compiled program such as Metrowerks for Plugins would be great!
I was so proud on having set up quite a lot of SpriteKit only to find out the Framework runs on 64bit exclusively when I instantiated it for the first time. But hey, let wait for the iOS version. I guess you are set up to go with MBSiOS plugins, Christian?
(Although, for the sake of learning, I really would appreciate if we would start on an iOSLib as well )
Won’t compile when using CoreFoundation framework included…
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h:19:10: ‘CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h’ file not found