How to create/use controls at runtime

Yesterday I did some tests to add and use a DesktopListbox at runtime on a dynamic created DesktopWindow at runtime. The problem seems very straightforward. However, I spent at least an hour looking into why the data in the ListBox was not showing. The fact that I didn’t add the DefaultRowHeight statement was the culprit. I want to share my experiments with all readers of this forum:

//Create new window from DestopWindow
Var w3 As DesktopWindow= new DeskTopWindow
w3.Type = DesktopWindow.Types.Document
w3.Title = "Test"
w3.Top = 200
w3.Left = 400
w3.Height = 500
w3.Width = 800
w3.Visible = True

//Create new Listbox
Var s As DesktopListbox = New DesktopListbox
s.Enabled = True
s.HasBorder = True
s.HasHeader = True
s.GridLineStyle = DesktopListbox.GridLineStyles.Both
s.Left = 20
s.Top = 20
s.Height = 200
s.Width = 600
s.ColumnCount = 2
s.DefaultRowHeight = 20 //Data will not be shown without this statement!
s.Visible = True
w3.AddControl(s) //Add Listbox to Window

//Add Data
s.HeaderAt(0) = "col0"
s.HeaderAt(1) = "col1"
var items() As String

To save valuable time it would be very useful to provide, for each control, the list of properties that are required during the creation of a control at runtime.

in autocomplete a necessary symbol?

I don’t think so…

a minimumInitialization method, somehow as we drop a control into form designer?

or like this?

Var s As DesktopListbox = DesktopListbox.createElement()

to add/support better framework documentation by community was already made.

that a new object starting by default with all values 0, boolean false, strings “” is ok.

It’s documented.


Indeed! But I didn’t find it… XoJo is a great language but the documentation is spread across the entire website. This makes it difficult to learn the language.

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